
Hello there!

I was planning to keep this blog on a regular basis; however, nothing interesting was happening that seemed entirely blog-worthy. I have spent the last year working, writing songs, playing shows, collecting some more synthesizers, and sewing little instruments.

I also got to play at the Opera House with a bunch of legends for Nick Zinner’s 41 strings (IIII) and went to Germany and wrote another song in my mother tongue. Keeping busy! (some might say – over-committing). BUT NOW I have officially started recording my second album! I have spent the last two weeks in Melbourne working with my brother Mirko on songs, recording drums, bass, and guitar until our fingers (almost) bled. Here are some photos:

Very excited to have real drums on the album. Also very excited that Mirko is playing them.

Seja and synthesizers

Mirko playing some bass

Seja plays electric

Seja plays acoustic – note cross-legged guitar stance and scrutinising guitar face is the same in each photo.

Fingers after a week of playing guitar. ouch!

MIDI miasma

Then Ben Ely played some bass on the album and it was amazing.

More photos to come soon. We have lots more work to do but I am very much looking forward to sharing it with you all soon!



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